Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Emotional Reactivity and Communication

I talk a lot about emotions. I want to continue some of the discussion on communication.
If you read back in previous blogs, I discuss the importance of processing your emotions and learning about increasing your self-awareness.

The next part, is realizing your control of your expressive language of your emotions or your emotional reactivity.

I have said before that we do not have control over our emotions. And that is true. Our bodies react to what we perceive and we cannot control that. What we can control is how we express that emotion.

What happens in relationships is that just due their nature and being emotionally involved with someone, our bodies are reacting to the other person all the time. It is important for you to really look at that, be aware of it, and take note of your bodily reactions, but to not react on them.

Communication is nearly impossible when emotionally driven! Yet that is when people expect the most out of it. It's not going to happen. Nothing is going to get resolved when both of you are just reacting emotionally.

The best thing to do, is to let each of your emotions process, saying it plainly- take a time out, and give yourself and your body time to really process your emotion. Make sense out of what you are experiencing. Then when you have both given yourselves time to do that, you can come together and communicate more effectively.